February 15th, 2007
Print Proof!


I got the print proof for Witch Fire today. It is very, very, verra purty. πŸ™‚


4 comments to “Print Proof!”

  1. oh Wow – that’s a terrific cover!

  2. What’s a print proof? I can’t wait to read this book. Come on, Berkeley. Send it to me already!

  3. Rhian β€” I love the cover. I’m very happy with it. πŸ™‚

    Jane β€” It’s the mock up of the book that I have to proof β€” find typos and stuff. I have an email in to see if I get any ARCs of the book. I’ve got you down for one of them. πŸ™‚

  4. That is a great cover!

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