August 12th, 2007
Sweaty Seventy Update (I even spelled ’sweaty’ right this week. Go me!)

I have decided to declare my own personal Sven. This week, I would like to replace scary Sven from 70 Days of Sweat…..

…with Sven Sundgaard, the weather man from Kare 11 TV in Minnesota…

Because, whereas Sweaty Sven looks like he’s going to kick my ass this week, Sven Sundgaard*** might only, I don’t know, declare a rainy day or two for me. *bats eyelashes* Is that okay?

Erm…because my word count sucks the big one this week.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter

70,124 / 85,000

Progress on The Darkest Kiss — Deadline September 30th

I only wrote 8k. Meh.

The good news is that I’m over 80% finished! The other bit of good news is that now I’m coastin’, man!! Coasting right down the hill toward writing The End. Everything I’ve built up is set to explode. From here on out writing this book will be like cutting through warm butter. Then, of course, comes the revision. That’s not so much like cutting through warm butter. But I’ll slice through that chunk of steel when I get to it. Which will be soon!

Snippet from The Darkest Kiss:

Daria drew a breath and concentrated on gathering enough strength to push away from him. How was she going to make it through this without letting him burn her? She drew a breath and closed her eyes, fighting for control. “This is business, Alejandro. Remember? Business. I’m sorry about last night. I wasn’t myself.”

He brought his face close to hers. His hot, sweet breath stirred the fine hair around her face. He cupped her cheek in one callused hand and brushed his lips across hers deliberately. It was a gentle tasting, not a taking. For one wildly insane moment she wished he would take. She wished he would crush her mouth to his and roll her beneath his big body.

*** Apologies to Sven Sundgaard for using him as my nice guy Sven. I’m sure that, if he wants to be, he can be quite intimidating sometimes.

3 comments to “Sweaty Seventy Update (I even spelled ’sweaty’ right this week. Go me!)”

  1. I laughed so hard. Thanks. Sundgaard looks much more…approachable. And likable. 😀 Nice excerpt btw. 😉

  2. i’ve been so hogtied with work that i’m way way behind and Sven – he ain’t happy with me. But i’m getting back on track this week – no more reading – only writing in the evenings. whimper.

  3. you sure like us minnesotans!
    your books take place here.
    you love sven (but then again, we all do).

    maybe you should move back!
    what can i tempt you with?
    the Mall of America…..winter…..road construction…… oh wait. those might scare you away.
    how about minnesota nice? wild rice? cheese?
    any takers?

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