April 28th, 2009
Book of the Day: The Vampire’s Quest, by Vivi Anna


After escaping from the Otherworld Crime Unit, Kellen Falcon came to Nouveau Monde to crack a rare blood disease. But the European hotbed of temptation yielded sport no vampire could resist—criminologist Sophie St. Clair. And with only days to live, Kellen sought sweet release from her to escape a savage past.

The lycan beauty wasn’t one to stray from her pact. But an investigation into a downtown bombing now tied the two together. And it wasn’t long before Kellen’s smoldering eyes and Sophie’s fierce desire for this vampire put her loyalties to the test….

You can find Vivi Anna:

Web Site

Author Bio: Frequently on Recommended Reading lists, award-winning Canadian author, Vivi Anna likes to burn up the pages with her unique brand of fantasy fiction. Whether it’s in the Amazon jungle, an apocalyptic future, or the otherworld city of Necropolis, Vivi always writes fast paced action-adventure with strong independent women that can kick some butt, and dark delicious heroes to kill for.

Interview Questions:

1.) How did you get started in writing and how long have you been doing it? I started writing short erotic stories for adult magazines to make some quick money back in 2001. Then I started writing screenplays, wrote six, got all of them read a lot but even after some interest from various producers I never sold. So I got discouraged and decided to write books instead. That was in 2003. I started in epublishing, then made the move to NY in 2005. So I’ve been actively pursuing a writing career for eight years.

2.) What genres/subgenres are your favorites to write within and do you have any aspirations to write outside your current genres/subgenres. Try something new? I love writing anything paranormal. I’m currently writing urban fantasy and trying my hand at paranormal young adult. I’d love to one day try and write a huge space opera, ala Battlestar Galactica.

3.) What are you working on now and what releases do you have coming up? I’m working on book six of the Valorian Chronicles. Book 4, The Vampire’s Quest is out now, and coming soon will be book 5, The Vampire’s Kiss, and a short called, The Bewitching Hour. I will also have a release from Samhain Publishing called Demon Dreamer, and that should be out in ebook June/July, then in print shortly afterward.

4.) Anything else you’d like to share? Yup, thanks to Anya for the play date. She rocks. And if you haven’t read one of her books, you don’t know what you are missing.

Readers, here is the contest part. Answer this question in the comments to be entered in a drawing for a copy of THE VAMPIRE’S QUEST. Check back to tomorrow for the announcement of the winner. The winner will have until May 5th (that’s the last day of the contest) to contact me in order to collect the prize. This contest IS open to non-US entrants.

Are you adequately prepared for zombie outbreak? How about a poltergeist infestation?:

Vivi says: Yes, I have a shovel and an ax. Both are good for knocking heads off. And ghosts are no problem with my shotgun loaded with rocksalt. I have my copy of The Supernatural book of Monsters, Spirits, Demons and Ghouls. Dean and Sam are my idols.

Okay, blog readers, how about you?

49 comments to “Book of the Day: The Vampire’s Quest, by Vivi Anna”

  1. Well, I suppose I have watched enough episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer to know that a stake, a silver bullet, a cross and holy water pretty much takes care of everything!

  2. Oh, I’m sorry to sax that I’m not. My Takewondo lessons don’t count (because they were 10 years ago :blush:) and my shovel is plastic 🙁 Only thing I have is a silver cross (not sure if it is a real silver :question:) but do they help with zombies? I am so out of my league with this 😥

  3. Oh my, sadly to say, I know I am never be prepared for zombies or Poltergiests

  4. No, I am totally unprepared and will have to rely on my handsome and wonderful husband to save me…hope he knows how.

  5. that would be a no but i’m game bring it on

  6. I am prepared for the Zombies, but the Poltergiests is another story.

  7. I could probably take on a few zombies but the poltergeist infestation I’m now so sure. Have a great day.

  8. Oh my, I never thought of being prepared! I do have duct tape and plastic wrap, though.

    Hubby wants to buy a shot gun this weekend (hey, we do live in Arkansas) and he’s going to show me how to use it. I can see myself now: I’m 5’1” holding this ginormous shot gun… going for potential zombies. Can anyone say Anita Blake?

  9. Sure thang…being from Texas, I’ve got a chainsaw and a big honking wooden cross, y’all.

  10. I’m prepared in that I bought the Zombie Survival Guide and between my brother and I we have possibly every Zombie movie in print in some form. Poltergiest…not so much, but then I’ve always been worried more about being eaten alive then being scared witless 😀

  11. No, I’m not prepared but if I had a shotgun, I already know how to use it. Mmmm… maybe I should get myself a flamethrower. I don’t know what I would do about the poltergeist, must get some books about the subject.

  12. no, definitely not prepared. I will be one of those people who runs panic sticken and foolish through the streets screaming, and then gets killed in a gory awful way. 🙁

  13. I am more than adequately prepared for a zombie outbreak, since Amanda Ashby sent me a zombie survival kit. Actually, I need to obtain a shotgun just in case.

    Poltergeist infestation? Not so much.

  14. Absolutely! I have my Ithaca shotgun maxed out…oh, that’s my zombie killer in “Resident Evil” on XBox.

  15. I am definitely not prepared. 😀

  16. I am totally unprepared. I guess I need to go shopping for a shovel, shot guns, and other necessities.

  17. I am sad to say that I am grossly unprepared for either. I guess I might need to start working on that, just in case…

  18. So not prepared for them. But there are always all kinds of weapons in the kitchen that I’m sure will come in handy, if I’m not passed out cold on the floor

  19. Im all prepaired with my 9mm unliited supply of bullets and my trusty blade as well as my psychic know how with ghosts and i sooo love dean and sam

  20. I’m not toally prepared but I do have salt to sprinkle around the window sills and doorways. I have silver to kill the werewolves if I have to…Zombies will get their heads cut off with this nice ax I have. Poltergeists will have to get in line to bother me after all my dead family. lol

  21. Somewhat prepared. I’m a Texan, so we’re always armed. Live on a farm, so have plenty of sharp implements. Bring ’em on!

  22. No, I guess I need to look around and gather what I have available… never know when it will be needed! 😉

  23. I am totally prepared! I’ve got my towel!

    …wait, what? What do you mean, “wrong genre”?? Darnit it! I don’t want to die! Oh wait, I have a roll of duct tape! That can fix anything, right? Right?

  24. Oh-oh! I am completely unprepared for both. I think I’m in trouble. 😮

  25. I am not prepared for a zombie invasion. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do. I’ve got canned goods and a flash light.

  26. Definitely not prepared for zombies! Guess I had better start arming myself with a shotgun and lots of bullets. Does holy water work?

  27. Totally prepared. I already have my Zombie kicking outfit picked out. On the side I will take care those pesky poltergiest!

  28. Well, I have lots of kitchen utensils that might do the trick plus a dog that can sound ferocious when he isn’t busy wagging his tail. I’ve been given the Zombie Chicken Award a couple times. That should count for something!

  29. Unfortunately, I am not prepared to be invaded by zombies or a poltergeist infestation!

  30. I’m not prepared at all. I think I would be the first one get attacked and get hurt..LOL

  31. I have a machete so that would help with the zombies and I love Supernatural so that would help me with the poltergeists!

  32. No. I’m not ready at all. I have a few stakes, but there are so mant books saying yes and no to holy water and different things, you can never be sure…for the infestation…i have no idea. If any of them come, im throwing my enemies to them and getting the hell off earth. If worse comes to worse, ill just light them on fire and run.

  33. I have Christopher Moor’s book about Zombies, so I’m feeling good about that, but I don’t have any idea about poltergeists!

  34. I am good with the ghosts…… zombies – not so much. sounds like I need to get that book on zombies :mrgreen:

    lets hope shotguns work on them 😮

  35. I don’t think I will ever be ready for an invasion of zombies or poltergeists.

  36. Swords- check, shovels – check, holy symbols- check, salt and sage for purifying and banishing – check, hunky husband to save me even if I don’t need it- check! Yep, I think am covered! =)

  37. I’d probably be the first eaten. 🙂 I’ve heard I have good brains! LOL!

  38. Hmm… I’m afraid I’d have to call Sam & Dean AND Ghostbusters! 😉

  39. a ball bat, leaf blower for ghosts and my dad’s old 357 should handle most of those lol.

  40. I think I have the basics down on how to kill them, but I doubt I actually have much on hand to do the job. Table salt anyone? And I’m thinking some self-defense classes would come in handy. I’ve been meaning to look into that… 😎

  41. I am not prepared for any of those things. I think I am doomed,

  42. I follow Mark Henry! I feel adequately prepared. I have my flame thrower and I know how to hit them in the head! 🙂

  43. I’m used to the ghosts, not prepared for zombies. lol

  44. I don’t know that I’m prepared for either. However, just thinking of zombies reminds me of the fun song ‘Zombies Ate My Neighbors’ by Single File. If I follow the suggestion in the song, getting trash can lids, buckets, and something sharp will help. 😉

  45. Got God, got knifes, got salt…guess I’m as prepared as can be! 🙂

  46. I di=o not htink I am totally prepared for that, but I can improvise.
    I love this series and cannot wait to read this book.

  47. Don’t put me in on this one since this series is on my keepers shelf!! Nope! I just want them in my books I read, LOL

  48. Not prepared, I’m really a wimp when it comes to stuff like this.

  49. Ghosts I can deal with, oh especially if they are of the handsome sexy kind mentioned in some of the great paranormals I’ve read…

    Zombies are another thing. I’ve never heard anything good (or saw or read) about zombies. May need to go stock up on some supplies for that. I guess living in a small town does have some advantages when it comes to zombie outbreaks…

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