August 24th, 2009
It’s Monday

Oh, Monday, the bane of us all. I don’t have to go into a job today, since I work at home. Still, it’s one of those mornings. You know, the kind where you drop everything you pick up and nothing seems to go right. Everything is just out of sync for some reason. And, boy, my internet connection does NOT like me today.

Yet…today is Monday! THE Monday when Between Fire & Ice: Women Writing in the Shadows kicks off! And that just makes the day so much better.

Alyssa Day starts things off with a post on new beginnings and there’s prizes! So, go on over and help us christen the new blog. Yasmine, Alyssa and I want to see you there.

As for me? Well, I’m going to do my best to kick this day into gear and lose that out-of-syncness. I have edits to do on Cruel Enchantment. I can see the end of the second draft and that makes me happy. I also have to clean my toilets, which makes me not so happy, but, hey, that’s life. Sometimes you have to clean toilets.

One comment to “It’s Monday”

  1. I think the new blog went rather well, alot of people came and left comments. Everyone seemed very excited about it, I know I was.

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