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February 26th, 2009
Hot for the Holidays

The Hot for the Holidays anthology recently went up for pre-order on and at other outlets, so I feel like I can finally talk a little about my novella. This anthology of stories will feature Lora Leigh, Angela Knight, Allyson James and me.

My offering is titled Sweet Enchantment and will kick off what I hope will be a new paranormal romance series. (Don’t worry, you won’t need to read this novella to understand the rest of the series. They will all be stand alone.) It’s fae-based and I drew the worldbuilding for the series largely from Irish myth and legend, weaving in fae myth and legend from other countries. It’s contemporary set and the myth/legend I drew from is twisted in the way only my brain can twist things (which is pretty damn…well, you get the picture).

For years Ronan Quinn has loved Bella, knowing he could never have her. Uncaring of his own life if Bella is not in it, he agrees to do something that will guarantee his death–pull a burglary job for the Phaendir, a group of druids responsible for the downfall and imprisonment of the fae races in the modern world. Once he’s imprisoned and awaiting execution, Bella appeals to the fae queen to save him, letting Ronan know Bella still carries a spark of emotion for him.

Ronan will do anything to fan that spark to a raging inferno, and nothing will stop him. Not prison, not the possession of the powerful artifact he stole, not the Phaendir, not even the powerful Summer Queen who wants his head to roll.

This anthology will release September 29, 2009.

February 26th, 2009
Hot for the Holidays

The Hot for the Holidays anthology recently went up for pre-order on and at other outlets, so I feel like I can finally talk a little about my novella. This anthology of stories will feature Lora Leigh, Angela Knight, Allyson James and me.

My offering is titled Sweet Enchantment and will kick off what I hope will be a new paranormal romance series. (Don’t worry, you won’t need to read this novella to understand the rest of the series. They will all be stand alone.) It’s fae-based and I drew the worldbuilding for the series largely from Irish myth and legend, weaving in fae myth and legend from other countries. It’s contemporary set and the myth/legend I drew from is twisted in the way only my brain can twist things (which is pretty damn…well, you get the picture).

For years Ronan Quinn has loved Bella, knowing he could never have her. Uncaring of his own life if Bella is not in it, he agrees to do something that will guarantee his death–pull a burglary job for the Phaendir, a group of druids responsible for the downfall and imprisonment of the fae races in the modern world. Once he’s imprisoned and awaiting execution, Bella appeals to the fae queen to save him, letting Ronan know Bella still carries a spark of emotion for him.

Ronan will do anything to fan that spark to a raging inferno, and nothing will stop him. Not prison, not the possession of the powerful artifact he stole, not the Phaendir, not even the powerful Summer Queen who wants his head to roll.

This anthology will release September 29, 2009.

February 25th, 2009
Guest Blogging Today!

I’m guest blogging today over at Inspiration, Ink. Go on over, read my post about original first lines and comment for a chance to win a prize!

February 24th, 2009
Questions Anwered

Hey all! I know, I know, I’m going through another dark period in my blogging. I either blog like crazy or not at all, forget a schedule. I suck with schedules. Blame it on my WIP (work-in-process). I’m consumed, immersed and totally engaged. It’s munching my brain something fierce. But that’s a good thing, right?

I have been getting a flood of emails lately. I luuuuurve getting emails. Especially the kind that tell me you’re liking my books. 🙂 I’m so very, very grateful for you all. I just can’t say that often enough. Thank you. Really.

I’ve also been getting some of the same questions asked repeatedly, so I thought I would address them here in my blog.

1.) Am I going to write anymore stories in the world in which the two free stories on my site are set? Also, will those free stories ever be in print?

I wrote those two free stories before I was all deadlined up with Berkley. I do plan (and want) to write more free stories, but damned if I know when I’ll have the time. If I ever do have the time, they probably will be set in the world of the shadowkin. I like that world a lot and I think it can be explored much more.

Those free stories will never be in print, however, because they’re just free stories I did on my own and offered to my readership as a way to say thank you. It was my wonderful web site goddess who made them into ebooks for me.

2.) Will Taken (that’s my most recent release from Samhain) ever be available in print?

Honestly, I don’t know what Samhain’s policy is for print. It may be paired with another novella and put into print sometime down the road, but I don’t know if that will happen or not. When I know, I’ll pass on the info.

3.) Will Adam from the Embraced Series (Ellora’s Cave) ever get his own book?

This project is on my wish list, but, again, I’m pretty deadlined up. I would like to write both Adam’s and Drayden’s (I think he’s redeemable) stories. If my other writing commitments ease, these projects are high on my to do list. Right now, however, I have no plans to write them. Sorry! The upside is that I’m writing all kinds of other things.

If you have any other questions, just put them in the comments and I will answer!

ALSO! I should have mentioned this a million and five years ago, but there is a very cool article up about me and my books here, on Three Crow Press — the whole publication is a must read.

February 17th, 2009
Investing Yourself

Cross-posted from the Bradford Bunch (there’s a contest over there)

First, a couple of newsy-type calendar items:

Chat this Wednesday: I have a Writerspace chat to discuss my most recent release, Taken, this Wednesday, Feb 18th at 9:00pm eastern. The last two times I was supposed to chat at Writerspace, I lost electricity due to the weather (the weather gods have not been happy with us lately) and was either in a hotel room without access to the chat room or simply without power. However, I have checked the weather and all looks clear. I vow to be there! I’ll give away prizes.

Book signing this Saturday: If you’re in the Kentucky area, stop by the The Bookstore (301 W Lincoln Trail Blvd, Radcliff, KY. Tel: 270-351-1801) on Saturday 2-4pm and see Anya Bast and Shiloh Walker. I’ll be signing Witch Heart and I think Shi will have Fragile.

New release coming up: Twenty four paranormal short stories, including tales from Sherrilyn Kenyon, Cheyenne McCray, Alyssa Day, Carrie Vaughn, Allyson James & Anya Bast. Releases March 9, 2009. (March is coming up fast) My story is called Taking Hold and is a werewolf tale.

Workshop and book signing: Are you a writer? Are you in the Kentucky area? Make sure you attend Spring Into Writing with the Kentucky Romance Writers at the end of March. This two day long affair is kicked off with a book signing at the Lexington Barnes & Noble and a dinner afterward. Saturday will be a day of fun and workshops. I’ll be talking about what it’s like to go from eBook to print & the differences and similarities between the two. Go the Kentucky Romance Writers web site for details.


Okay, got all that out the way.

Last weekend I finished the first draft of Wicked Enchantment (I don’t know if that title will stick), the first novel is what I hope will be a new series for Berkley Sensation. It’s paranormal romance, like the Elemental Witchess…yet, different. It’s contemporary and urban set, but with more of a fantasy feel to it. The worldbuilding is more complex than anything I’ve ever written before and will require a glossary of terms and a map.

I draw a lot of my world from Irish and Scottish legends of the fae, imbuing it all with my own twist. Lots of authors have drawn from the same sources that I did to build their series, but I think my world will be different from anything you’ve ever read. I know it’s different from anything I’ve ever read.

Honestly? That’s sort of scary. It’s frightening to launch a new series, never mind one that has a concept that’s really not been tested by any authors who came before you. For a long while I fretted and angsted and second guessed myself on it. In the end, my love of the world and the characters won out.

There comes a time in any new world a writer is creating when the writer must either ditch the idea or invest themselves in it. So about midway through the novel, I stopped fretting, angsting and second guessing and I did just that–I invested myself in the world and freed myself to write it without worry. I “own” that world now, for better or for worse. I do hope my readership likes what I’ve done. It’s a little nervewracking to make decisions about plot and characters that are a bit off the beaten path, knowing you’re about to expose all those decisions to fifty thousand people. (Have you ever had a dream about taking a test naked? Yeah.)

But, wow, I had fun writing this novel and I’m so excited about this new world. I’m having fun with it and I think that’s key. Because if the author is not having fun, the reader probably won’t either, right?

I’d love to blather on about the book and the characters with more specifics (I just did and had to delete it all), but since my editor hasn’t even seen the book yet, I better not!

Anyway, here’s to enjoying life, your work, and to taking big, hairy, scary risks. Can you think of a time when you took a huge risk and wondered how it might turn out? Tell me about it in the comments. Or, do it over at Bradford for a chance to win a prize.

Contest Winner from my V-Day contest: Janis! Congrats! Please drop me an email via the contact form on my site with your address, Janis!

February 16th, 2009
Booksigning this Saturday!

If you’re in the Kentucky area, stop by the The Bookstore (301 W Lincoln Trail Blvd, Radcliff, KY. Tel: 270-351-1801) on Saturday 2-4pm and see Anya Bast and Shiloh Walker.

We’ll be there signing our new releases. 🙂 Hope you can make it!

February 14th, 2009
Long time, no post (and a contest)

I’ve been mired deep in writing the end of Wicked Enchantment. Well, that combined with dealing with an ice storm one week and hurricane force winds the next. The weather has done a number on the trees in our yard. It’s a mess. If we had a fireplace we’d be set for life with wood.

During the ice storm we lost power for a week. Luckily, we managed to get into a local hotel, so we didn’t have to freeze our patoochies off in the silent, dark house. Unluckily, I had a Writerspace chat for Witch Heart that week and, for whatever strange and bizarre reason, I couldn’t get into the chat room from the hotel. I was forbidden. Ooooo, ominous. I was also very, very frustrated. I hope you all can forgive me.

Then on the night I was supposed to attend the Writerspace Valentine’s Day chat, guess what? I was home, but we had no power again. It was those pesky hurricane force winds. It wasn’t out for a week this time (thank the deities!) but it was enough to cause me to miss that one too.

Okay, third time’s the charm….

I have a Writerspace chat to discuss Taken this Wednesday, Feb 18th at 9:00pm eastern. I WILL BE THERE!!!!!!! *shakes fist at the weather gods* I will be there, because NO WAY can I lose electricity and/or be stuck “forbidden” in a hotel room for the third time in a row. Do you hear me, O, gods of inclement weather? I have checked and all looks clear.

Of course, my troubles are nothing next to what those in Australia have been experiencing. I hope this post finds all those down under safe and sound. 🙁

Now, on to some good stuff!

Wicked Enchantment, the first in my new series, is nearly done. Well, the first draft of the novel is nearly done, that is. I’ll revise and polish the hell and damnation out of it before I call it finished.

And! It’s Valentine’s Day. Yay for V day. Even if you don’t have a romantic-type sweetie in your life, I’m sure you can find someone or something on which to bestow love and gratitude. Today I’m thankful not only for the love of my husband, but for that of my daughter, the many cats I am owned by, and the best dog in the whole world.

Just because, I’m giving away a book today. I have a bunch to send out, (if you’re waiting on a book from me, it’s coming), so why not one more?

Comment on this post and you’ll be entered to win an autographed copy of Witch Heart. I’ll leave the contest going till next Tuesday and then I’ll post the winner. Tell me what you’re reading lately, what you’re doing for V Day, or whatever. Post anything of content (no “post” or “I’m posting to enter.”) — talk to me, peeps.

February 6th, 2009
Guest Blogging at The Good, The Bad & The Unread (win a book!)

I’m blathering on about writing at the Barnes & Noble Cafe over at The Good, The Bad & The Unread. G’wan over, read, and then make a comment for a chance to win a book.

February 3rd, 2009
Will Rue get a HEA?

I wanted to answer a question I’ve had a few times from readers, most recently from Lisa. Will Rue get an HEA?

Right now I don’t have any plans for Rue to have his own book. There are always secondary characters that sort of “ask” for their own books. Rue is one of these characters. But since I decided to end the Elemental Witches series at four books, I had to stop somewhere. So, right now, I have no plans to write his story…but he does nag at me a bit.

So, who knows. 😉 I never say never.

February 3rd, 2009
Taken is Now Available!

Sometimes love knocks softly…and sometimes it breaks down your door.

Anne’s morning starts like any other normal day—and ends in a race for her life. The surprise that interrupts her regular date with a latte looks a lot like Frankenstein, except this monster is for real. And it chases her straight into the arms of two mouthwatering hunks who whisk her away from everything she knows. That would be Earth.

Suddenly life isn’t so normal anymore.

Caleb and Van have been watching Anne for several weeks. Women are scarce in their world, a situation that sometimes forces two or more males to share one wife between them. Anne is their perfect match. Now all they have to do is convince her of that—while trying desperately not to let their intense desire for her scare her away.

Then there’s the little matter of protecting her from the Guardians, who want to make sure no match is ever made…

Read an excerpt
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Get it now for only $3.15!

Excerpt from Taken, by Anya Bast
Copyright 2009

She set her glass on the table in front of her. “Hmmm…so you guys are aliens, then?” She split her fingers—making a separation between her middle and ring finger. “Nano, nano?”

Caleb frowned for a moment, and then smiled. “Ah, you’re making an obscure reference to an old television situation comedy, aren’t you?”

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “Okay, so here’s the deal. I have established that I am not dreaming, but I could be in a coma. So, if I am in a coma, who are you guys? Are you manifestations of my subconscious, maybe? Symbols of some deep-seated fears or…uh…desires that I’m harboring. Are you gatekeepers to my conscious mind and do I need to deal with you two in order to wake up?”

Caleb stared blankly. “Anne, I don’t understand. You’re not in a coma, you’re here, with us. You bear a little Harmon blood in your DNA. That’s how our oracle found you in your world. You’re our perfect match, Van and mine—”

“I heard this before. I’m not buying it.” She made a sound of frustration. “I just want to go home! Can’t you just send me back? I don’t want to be your match, no matter how gorgeous you are. I don’t want a passel of kids. I want my work, that’s all, just my work. Everyone will be missing me by now. They’ll have called the police and filed a missing person’s report—”

Caleb shook his head. “No, don’t worry about that.”

“Don’t worry about that? How can I not?”

Van eased over to her on the couch. She could feel his body heat. It was…disconcerting. “That life you had is now over. It isn’t our doing though, Anne, you must comprehend. It’s the Guardians. They’ve been rooting out and destroying all human females with Harmon blood. If you go back to Earth, you will die. Don’t you understand?”

She shot up from the couch. “No, I don’t understand any of this!”

Caleb stood and walked to her. He touched her arm, and then pulled her against him. Despite everything, her body reacted to his closeness. She enjoyed the heat of his body, the scent of him and the sound of his beating heart.

God, despite everything, she wanted him. How could that be? She should be trying to kill him, but she just…didn’t have the will.

He threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her temple. She suppressed the urge to sigh. “Our people have practically been wiped off the face of Harmon. They have targeted the females of our race. That means you, too, even though you don’t reside here.” He cupped her face in his hands and forced her to look at him. “You were located by our oracle as a perfect genetic match for Van and me. A perfect match in every way, as partners for life. You will bear us daughters, which we need in order to continue our species.”

“So I’m just some-some brood mare to you?”

“No.” The word came forcefully, from Van of the few utterances.

“No,” repeated Caleb. “You are our…wife or mate or whatever term humans use for a sexual and romantic match. A match with respect, caring and honor. And please understand that even if our oracle had not located you and we had not found you in your world, the Guardians would have. They would have hunted you down and exterminated you, Anne.”

“What if I don’t believe you?” she whispered.

He shrugged. “In time, you will. This truth does not require your belief. In time circumstances will prove the situation you are in.” He paused. “If we’d had a choice, Anne, we would not have ripped you away from all that you knew this way.”

She only sighed. Her brain was overloaded and she couldn’t process anything more. “I don’t know—”

Caleb tipped her chin up and kissed her. It was a chaste kiss, closed-mouthed. It still set every nerve in her body flaring to glorious life. His lips brushed across hers slowly, as if savoring the taste of her. Then the kiss became a little more demanding. He flicked his tongue against her lips and she parted for him. His tongue slid easily into her mouth to rub against her tongue. He tasted of coffee. Pleasure seared up her spine and made her feel hot and achy.

Then she was being pulled from one heaven and immersed in another. Van eased her from Caleb’s grip and enveloped her in his arms. Her lips still tingling and swollen from Caleb’s attention, Van sealed his mouth over hers and took her in a passionate, near bruising kiss that made her knees go weak. Where Caleb had been seductive and soft, Van was overwhelming and purely sexual.