Cross-posted to the Bradford Bunch Blog
At some point in every novel, it consumes me. I start living in my character’s heads and the world I’ve created for them. While I’m making coffee, I’m thinking about how to write a certain scene. When I’m taking a shower, I’m thinking about how my character would react if this or that happened.
Conversations with my husband go like this:
DH: Hey did you see that some of our little pine trees are going brown. They might even be dying.
Me: Nahuh.
DH: I think it might be a tree disease. Maybe we should call in a specialist.
Me: Nahuh.
DH: And then aliens landed in the front yard, took off their pants and did a dance!
Me: Nahah.
I start dazing into space and wandering around the house putting the milk in the cabinet and the coffee in the fridge. I go to bed with sheafs of paper and my (special) ball point pen. In the morning I find I fell asleep on it all and now have ink marks on the sheets, my legs and my arms. (Sadly, all these things really have happened.)
That’s where I am with Witch Heart right now, the third book in my Elemental Witches series. I’ve hit my stride. I’ve got a firm handle on my characters and the plot is progressing nicely. I’m at that point where I’m consumed.
Christmas, what’s that? Good thing I’ve almost got all my shopping done. Housework? Pbbbtbwhahaha.
My hero is particularly fun to write. He’s a secondary in Witch Blood, so I already had a pretty good grip on his personality and backstory. Adam is fun to write because his personality isn’t a whole lot different from mine. When I’m in his head it feels sort of comfortable. Odd, since he’s a guy (and a guy’s guy, too), but there you have it. There’s no logic to this stuff.
So, anyway, Witch Heart is officially eating my brain (and I wouldn’t have it any other way).
What are some activities in your life that consume you? Something that makes you forget to eat and sleep and drives you to distraction?