Archive for the 'Whatever' Category

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

I have one Witch Blood ARC left and I’m giving it away on this blog soon. Watch for details.

Also, I’m happy to report that Ellora’s Cave accepted a book from me recently! Right now the title is Strands of Sunlight (subject to change). It’s a menage a trois historical fantasy. I can’t wait to share it with you all.

And… LOOK at this gorgeous cover! It’s for the print release of an EC/Pocket book print book, Magical Seductions. It includes my story, Tempted by Two, along with red hot stories from Cathryn Fox, and Mandy Roth. It releases on April 15th, but you can pre-order it from now.


Sunday, January 20th, 2008
A Question for the Readership

In anticipation of the release of Witch Blood on March 4th, I’ve sent out something like 13, 000 book marks to various bookstores, mostly in the U.S. and Australia. It’s my hope that people will pick up one of them, decide the book sounds good and buy it. I’ve bought books in my life that way. That was back when I used to peruse the bookstores in search of fodder for my TBR pile.

These days, since I live far from any bookstore, I mostly decide what to buy through word-of-mouth on the Internet, or by looking at the coming soon lists at (the store where I mostly buy my books).

So, tell me, how do you buy books?

Are you a reader of reviews and decide what you’ll buy from those?

Do you listen to other reader recommendations?

Do you stick pretty much to a set author’s release schedule or branch out and try new authors?

Do you browse the bookstore shelves?

Do you browse the coming soon lists at online book retailers?

Or some combination of the above?

I’d love to know. How to do you decide what books to buy?

The winner from last week’s contest is….PamK!! Congrats, Pam! Can you please drop me an email at anyabast (at) with your mailing address?

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

I just got another shipment of Witch Blood book marks in. If you’d like one, send your address to me via the contact form on the web site. πŸ˜‰

I think I will limit this to U.S. only, though, just because it gets really expensive for me to send stuff overseas. My contests are always open to everyone, but I’m going to limit this offer.

Thursday, January 10th, 2008
Book Recommendations!!

My TBR pile is getting awwwwwfully short. Anyone read anything good lately? I am looking for recs in urban fantasy, horror or SF. Oh, and fantasy. I do love me some fantasy. I’m not a huge romance reader right now, (although a paranormal rec or two would not go unappreciated). Because I write it, I don’t usually read it. Doesn’t mean I don’t LOVE it, just means I’m already immersed in the genre 24/7 and need for my leisurely reading to take my mind elsewhere. Also, I’m NOT into reality very much. πŸ˜‰ Give me something fantastic.

Small press recs or mass market recs would be best. No ebooks ONLY because my ebook reader just broke (wah!) and I usually read in bed. I spend all day on the computer and don’t want to read there too. I will be replacing my ebook reader soon because I’m normally a huge ebook fan. But if it’s an ebook-to-print book, that’d be fine! I’m thinking of buying a kindle, btw, but only if I can get small press ebooks on it. I still need to find out.

Anyone got any suggestions for me?

Right now I’m reading the fourth Lilith Saint Crow, Saint City Sinners. I’m also reading The Gypsies Stole My Tequila, by Adrienne Jones.

Friday, January 4th, 2008
I’m baaaaack!!!

Don’t worry, I didn’t fall off the face of the planet. Actually, I was in Belgium, visiting my husband’s family for the holidays. I can’t really update from there because my wireless won’t work and my MIL has a French keyboard that makes it impossible for me to communicate in English. My text ends up with all these funny symbols in it, I can’t touch type, and I can never find the question mark. The French DO use question marks, it’s just I can never find it on the keyboard.

So, we were there for what felt like forever and then we came home where my daughter and I promptly got sick (it was probably the germ festival that is a Boeing 747). We’ve been fighting the sickies all week long. I’m just now starting to feel human enough to update my blogs and LJ and stuff. Thank you antibiotics.

How was your holiday season? Mine was good. Somehow I managed to eat like a pig and still lose three pounds. *frown* Still not sure how that happened, but I’ll take it. Frankly, I think the food in Europe is magical. Eat all the bread and cheese you want and drop the poundage! Let’s all move.

Of course, since I have strep, it was impossible for me to eat or drink anything for the last two days. Today my throat still hurts, but now I can swallow without it throwing me into paroxysms of pain. So I have some thick chicken noodle soup and some home baked chocolate chip cookies to keep me happy. Mmmm cookies.

On the writing front, I need to get back to it. Now the deadlines are really looming. And OMG! Witch Blood releases really soon! Only two more months now.

Anyway, I BE BACK and blogging again.

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007
Happy Holidays!!

I’m leaving soon and will be out of town until after the first of the year. I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! May they be merry and bright!

Friday, December 7th, 2007
Fury & Tranquility

I get a lot of hits from people looking for my free story, Fury. It’s a spicy werewolf romance I wrote for the subscribers of The Sultry Pen a couple years back and there are still links around directing people here for it.

This is just to let you know that Fury is completed and I’m now sending it out in sections to my Writerspace newsletter subscribers. However I am writing another free story now for Sultry Pen members. That one is called Tranquility (also werewolf) and it’s a spin off of Fury.

These are just little short stories I do to show appreciation to my readership. They’re about the length of an EC Quickie and they’re largely unedited. I wanted to place an updated note somewhere on my site in case someone followed one of those broken links and did a search.

So, there you have it. That’s the low down on Fury.

Sunday, November 11th, 2007
CUTE! (In a homicidal kind of way)

The wonderful Rhian of Creative Goddesses has created a movie and cast me, Megan Hart, Lauren Dane, and others of her tribe in it. It’s way too funny. You have to check it out. It’s a bit violent (in a totally unrealistic way), but amusing as hell. Rhian owes me a new laptop because I spit coffee all over mine. πŸ˜‰

I always knew there was something odd about Megan Hart.

Friday, November 9th, 2007

Lauren Dane sold two books to Berkley Heat, you all!!!! Go on over to her blog and offer her some congratulations! She’s been working long and hard for this one and I know she would appreciate it.

The book she sold is called Battlefront (at least, for now) and it’s way hot. It’s a futuristic menage with a righteous dose of BDSM. I’ve read it and it rocks.

And….how about this for a cherry on the cake?

Our agent, (mine and Lauren’s), just ranked FOUR in Publisher Weekly’s Top Five Dealmakers of 2007!! This is especially impressive because Laura is a newer agent on the scene and just look who she ranks with. Pretty damn cool….

Roberta Brown
Natasha Kern
Dierdre Knight
Laura Bradford
Pam Ahearn

Of course, myself and some others knew she was awesome before anyone else knew she was awesome. πŸ˜‰ This comes as no surprise to us.

Monday, November 5th, 2007
Character Chemistry

Cross-posted to The Bradford Bunch blog

Opposite attract is an old saying and one that definitely bears out in my opinion. My husband and I are just about as opposite as you can get. He’s outgoing, extroverted, lives for the social scene. He’s methodically organized with everything. I’m, well, the opposite of all that. *g* I’m introverted, not scared of a social scene, just not energized by it. And I’m definitely not organized with anything but my novel files. (I can never, ever find my keys! Or my cell phone!) I’m the creative, kinda dreamy one, the right-brainer philosopher type. He’s the feet-on-the-ground, take charge of reality type.

Oddly, though, despite our huge differences in personality, we work really well together and have for many years now. We have qualities the other lack and so, together, we make a whole. Kinda like ying and yang. Probably this situation doesn’t always work, but sometimes it does.

Since it works for my husband and I, I tend to pair my heroes and heroines the same way. It’s what I know. (Write what you know.) To me, the right kind of opposite equates character chemistry. Chemistry makes the romance. ***

In Witch Fire, Jack McAllister is unpredictable and impetuous (a little like the element he commands). He needed a woman to balance him out, so I gave him Mira, a woman who is coming out a bad relationship and is (trying) to proceed cautiously and make solid decisions.

In Witch Blood, Thomas Monahan is a little bit uptight. He’s a micro-manager and a control-freak. He’s got a lot riding on his shoulders and never really allows himself to cut loose at all. He’s sort of Jack’s opposite (and they clash once in a while because of it). Thomas clearly needed a free spirit and that’s what I gave him. That’s all I want to say about that, since the book hasn’t come out yet. πŸ˜‰

And now I’m writing Witch Heart (that title might change). The hero is introduced in Witch Blood. He’s a real commitment-phobe and has lots of relationships with women, but always makes sure they don’t go farther than the bedroom. He jokes around a lot and everyone thinks he’s a carefree and restless. That’s his rep. There’s more when you scratch this guy’s surface, though. Stuff that’s hinted at in Witch Blood, but will only come fully into the light in Witch Heart.

His heroine is waaay different from any heroine I’ve really ever written before. Her experiences have been such that she’s far, far different from any woman this guy has ever met (she’s a challenge to write too). I think she’s exactly what he needs. Talk about opposites attracting. And, again, that’s all I want to say about this book.

Oh, here’s a tangent. One of my pet peeves about romance novels is the scene in which everyone is fearing for their lives, yet the hero and heroine are busy lusting after each other. You, know, like, the serial killer is rounding the corner, advancing on the hero and heroine, knife in hand, yet the heroine can’t stop thinking about the hero’s massive biceps?

What are some of your romance pet peeves? I want to blog about them next week, so weigh in! Or tell me about your experiences with “opposites attracting”. I want to hear it all.

***Disclaimer here: It’s my intention to create character chemistry. The end result, like everything else, is in the eye of the reader.