Archive for the 'Whatever' Category
Friday, November 2nd, 2007
Yeah, I loved Transformers. Shoot me. *g*
Devon Matthews (Hi Devon!! *waving*) asked yesterday, “What’s the difference between an urban fantasy romance and a paranormal romance?”
Er. I probably made up the term urban fantasy romance all on my own. Ooops. 🙂 But (to me, anyway) the difference is setting. My Elemental Witch books are taking place in Chicago and Minneapolis, but in an alternate reality in which witches and demons exist. What I write is paranomal romance, definitely. I would also call it (and it has been called) urban fantasy because of the urban setting/alternate reality angle. Hence, urban fantasy romance.
But, gosh, there are so many labels, categories and sub-categories! The romance genre is changing, growing and mutating all the time. I just love it!
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Thursday, November 1st, 2007
I wrote a response to a question posed about the definition of erotic romance to a discussion loop recently. This is that response, but kind of expanded (new and improved and now with tangents!). This question comes up frequently on loops and blogs, ect.
Mostly, I think the definition of erotic romance is developing and changing as erotic romance becomes more a mainstream feature of the romance genre. I also think that everyone has their own definitions of these terms. Going by the dictionary, after all, is a little limited. Everyone brings a different perspective to the books they read based on their worldview and life experiences. One person’s erotic romance is another person’s porn.
My books have been called porn. I don’t have a problem with the word porn, really, even though the people wielding the word usually mean it in a negative way. As in, “This book has no plot; it’s just meaningless porn”. (Obviously, I tend to not agree. Heh. However, I understand the POV/worldview element and respect the person’s right to her perception.) Here’s how I define the term: Porn to me is visual, not written. Porn is explicit images in magazines and on video.
Erotica is any written story where the sex is the primary focus. There might be a plot beyond the sexual story, but the focus is on sex. Typically, I don’t think of these stories as romances, though the plot might explore larger issues or show the emotional development of the characters (literary erotica). It also might just be the “penthouse letters” form of erotica and meant simply to titillate.
Erotic romance is a romance, where the development of the relationship between the hero and heroine is focused on, but is also very sexually explicit. Erotic romance interweaves the sexual and emotional journey of the H/H. If you cut away all the sexual bits, the story still stands on its own. However, sex plays a large role in the plot.
A non-erotic romance usually only focuses on the emotional development of the relationship, less so on the sexual (although, of course, that’s always a part of it to some degree).
I don’t really see any problem making an erotic romance a very emotional and heart tugging journey, while also having it be explicit. So, to me, an erotic romance is simply a romance novel with door flung wide open on the lovemaking scenes. 🙂
Now, I write everything from what I would term paranormal romance to erotic romance to flat out erotica. Mostly what I write is paranormal erotic romance or urban fantasy erotic romance. I think trying to slap a label on this particular sub-genre gets a little complex.
My books vary in their degree of heat because of the characters. Sometimes I write characters who are totally all right with super-kink and engage in it freely. Sometimes not. Ultimately, they are the chief drivers of how hot a novel is. So some of my books have a high degree of sexuality, sometimes less so. I would say that as a general rule, readers who don’t enjoy explicit sex scenes should probably stay away from my work.
What are your definitions?
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Monday, October 29th, 2007
This is cross-posted to the Bradford Bunch Blog.
Some weeks I have kick ass productivity. I get into my character’s head and I turn out scenes like crazy. I click along, making progress, good progress, solid plot development. The words flow like stream of melted buttah.
Then there are weeks like this one.
This week wasn’t really much different than any other. I had a child to take care of, a house to clean, a part time job to work, various errands to run, but somehow the words lacked that flowing like melted buttah quality. I wrote, but then I had to cut**. So my word count is pretty much the same as it was last week. One step forward, one step back. I’m standing in place, yet, er…working to do it. It’s a dance most writers are familiar with. It happens sometimes. But next week I plan to kick ass and melt word buttah again, just watch me.
I’m philosophical about it. I know some weeks are better than others for productivity. You can’t make the words come when they don’t want to. Sometimes words can be stubborn that way. That’s no excuse, however, for not trying. I can’t count the times I’ve broken my way through a block, (yeah, I’m a little blocked right now), by simply writing through it. Sometimes what I write under these circumstances isn’t very good and sometimes I have to delete it. But the simple act of moving forward breaks the block eventually.
At time I look for reasons to procrastinate with my writing. (Internet, anyone? Laundry? Oh, there are lots of ways.) It would be easy to claim a block as a reason not to put words onto the page. But since I know that, for me, the best way through a block is to wham my way through the middle of it with raw word count, that excuse doesn’t work. (Darn it. )
All you writers out there, how do you work through a block?
**The beginning of the book isn’t coming together like I would prefer
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Wednesday, October 17th, 2007
Every year Romantic Times BOOKclub magazine runs their American Title Contest in conjunction with Dorchester Publishing. The winner gets a publishing contract. Not a bad prize, eh?
The first round is for best first line. I’m a big one for the first line of a book. As a reader, I want it to hook me, fascinate me, make me want to read on. As a writer, well, I want mine to do that same thing for the reader! I TTed about first lines back here, as a matter of fact.
I vote in the American Title Contest every year, and I’ve definitely got my favorite of these. How about you? Go on over and make your vote!
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Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
Good Tuesday morning, all. I really need more coffee….
I’m guest blogging over on Witchy Chicks about the tricks and treats of writing magick. Go check it out! There’s a contest too.
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Monday, October 15th, 2007
Cross Posted to The Bradford Blog — which has pretty new digs!
I attended my local RWA chapter’s annual book signing yesterday, along with a whole list of fabulous authors including JR Ward, Heather Grothaus, Toni Blake, Shiloh Walker and more.
The signing was at The Bookstore, in Radcliff, KY. It’s one of those awesome privately owned ones. My favorite kind of bookstore. If you’re nearby, it’s worth a stop in. They’re very supportive of the romance genre.
Here’s me at the book signing. I really need a trip to the hair stylist. Oy.
My little daughter came along. Grandma also came to keep her entertained while I signed. However, little daughter was having none of it. She wanted to stick close to me. So she “helped” me sign books. She also dumped a water bottle (full of very cold water) all over us both and scattered lemon bread crumbs on the floor. But she was cute. That makes up for a lot.
A couple random shots my mom took…. Here is Elizabeth Beverly and Teresa Medeiros…sort of.
Me: “Mom, you know you cut off Teresa Medieros in this picture.”
Mom: “Who’s she?”
Me” *aghast* “How can you not know who Teresa Medieros is? I thought everyone in the whole world knew of Teresa Medieros! I wouldn’t be writing at all if I hadn’t picked up Once an Angel, my very first romance novel ever.”
Mom: “Well…I got her elbow.”
So there’s Teresa Medieros’s elbow. 😉
Last random picture. Hmmm, testing the power of my memory…. From left to right:
Maddie James, Jan Scarbrough, Magdalena Scott, Sara Reinke (I think. Ack.), and LuAnn McLane.
These are all authors in my local RWA chapter. You know, RWA has definitely pulled some stunts over the years that have made my respect for the national organization waver, but my local chapter, KYRW, has always been the absolute best. From day one, before I’d made any sales at all, they opened their arms to me. They’ve supported me over the years, celebrated my victories and commiserated my defeats…as I do for the other members.
I have so enjoyed watching some of these authors blossom, find their writerly paths and seize the day. It was a true pleasure to be able to buy a book from Teresa Reasor yesterday, one I’d helped critique the beginning of so long ago, Highland Moonlight. It’s a great book. I loved it then and I love it now. I’m so happy it found a home. Happier that Teresa is now on the other side of the signing table.
Writing is a solitary pursuit and although most of us are introverts, we still need community. We still need others who speak our language and know what we’re going through, who can relate. My local RWA chapter has always filled this need for me. They are a great group of ladies (and one man!), and they are honestly why I remain a member of RWA.
Oh, and I can’t forget the readers! I met so many great people, supportive romance readers and reviewers yesterday. I wouldn’t be writing if it weren’t for you. Thanks for being so awesome.
- The winner of last week’s contest, by random drawing, is Rhian! Congrats! Can you drop me an email at anyabast (at) The prize, by the way, is a bag stuffed with surprise goodies. 😉
Posted in Whatever | 8 Comments »
Monday, October 8th, 2007
This one’s cross-posted to the Bradford Bunch Blog — but the contest is for here too.
The term “alpha male” is bandied about quite a bit when we’re talking about the romance genre. When I use the term I mean a man who prefers to be in charge of others and will fight to gain or retain that authority. A man who is strong both physically and mentally and doesn’t take merde from others. I mean a man who is protective and can be domineering.
In romance, at least in my opinion, sometimes characters go a step beyond this. I term these guys a**hole alpha males. Mostly I can’t read them. They’re too much of the above. Just too, too. However I’m fully aware that’s an opinion not shared by many.
I like to read a good beta. I don’t tend to write them, though my male leads will sometimes show some beta characteristics.
Most women, as far as I can tell, would rather read an alpha or an a**hole alpha. They want the domineering, over-protective barbarian whose unruly self must be brought to heel by the strong, gentle love of the heroine.
But I’m here to tell you that living with one in real life is no picnic. My husband is one, though I’m not saying he’s all muscular, big, brutish, ect. He’s a regular guy, but his personality is pretty domineering, pretty bossy. He’s a manager and likes that kind of role the best. Thing is, sometimes he tries to manage me and that doesn’t work so well. He tends to think he knows best, his way or nothing. You know the type.
I’m grateful to him in a way, since he keeps me strong. I have to always stand up to him or he’ll just steamroll right over me. I love him, of course, and have spent thirteen very happy years with him, but we all have our (at times) unlikable personality quirks.
So, having lived so long with guy who shares some personality characteristics with the heroes I write (soooo not telling him that. It’ll go right to his head), I have to say that in Real Life they can be a trial.
Tell me about the alpha in your life. Or tell me why or why not you’d want to date/marry one. Finally, tell me about the sort of base personality you like to see in your romance novel heroes. Do you prefer the alpha, the a**hole alpha (s’okay, you can admit it), or the beta? Why?
There will a winner drawn from the participants and the prize will be a surprise.
Posted in Whatever | 7 Comments »
Thursday, October 4th, 2007
“Do you listen to music when you write?”
You know, I never used to. Listening to music tends to distract me because I get too into it and forget to, ya’ know…write. But then I bought an iPod and I was suddenly exposed to all this great new music I’d never heard before, (because I cruise all over iTunes).
And so lately (well, when I was writing The Darkest Kiss, anyway) I have begun to use music as emotional motivation. Music can do that, get you into the proper frame of mind for writing. So, like, if I need to sit down and write ten pages NOW, but I’m thinking about the laundry or the fact I need to go grocery shopping, ect, I can use music to put me in a different mindset. As long as I have the volume turned down way low, I can do it.
I have even started creating play lists for books I’m writing. I have one for The Darkest Kiss and I created one yesterday for Witch Heart (when this email came in, oddly enough), which will evolve and change as I write.
Here’s some of what I’m listening to now:
Caught in the Rain — Revis
Suffer — Endo
Stop a Bullet — Black Light Burns
Evening Rain — Moby
Lie — Black Light Burns
Simple Lies — Endo
Lie to me — 12 Stones (Hmm…I’m detecting a theme here. Heh.)
Temptation — The Tea Party
Gyroscope — The Tea Party
Unaffected — Hoobastank
Fall to Pieces — Velvet Revolver
Let Go — 12 Stones
The Way I Feel — 12 Stones
I Will Follow You Into The Dark — Death Cab for Cutie
Beyond Time — Apocalyptica
Cohkka — Apocalyptica
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Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
A spider who has defied my No Spidies in the House Decree has spun a web near my kitchen sink. She is not the type of spidy I can relocate. 🙁 But today I start Witch Heart, so she gets a free pass. I don’t kill spidies on the days I start new books. Spidies & writers are kind of kindred, you know? We both spin webs.
Uhm, of course, I don’t catch readers in my web, shoot them full of toxins and then eat them. There’s just the catching part, (hopefully). The reader is free to disentangle themselves to get caught in another web whenever they want.
Yeah, my mind has gone to strange places this morning.
I wish I could talk about Witch Heart! But that would mean spoilers.
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Sunday, September 30th, 2007
Yesterday I had a booksigning with Shiloh Walker, Toni Blake (aka Lacey Alexander) and Lora Leigh. The bookseller who organized the signing baked all these yummy goodies for the readers and authors. I gained three pounds, I think.
Here’s a shot of Toni/Lacey signing a book (she’s kind of hidden behind the sign) and Lori Leigh and her husband.
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